Legal notice

AP Solutions GmbH

Königinstrasse 28
80802 Munich

AP Solutions GmbH
Management board: Beatriz Corti Stuber, Laurent Floquet, Lars Rogge
Registered office: Munich
Registration court: Munich HRB 177695
VAT ID no.: DE 275 992 658

Responsible for the content and controller within the meaning of Section 5 TMG and Section 18(2) MStV:

Jérôme Joubert
Königinstrasse 28
80802 Munich


Permission to act as an insurance agent:

AP Solutions GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz Partners SAS and is a bound insurance agent pursuant to Section 34d(7) Trade Code with the IHK München & Oberbayern, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 Munich, in the intermediary register under number: D-LRO6-U78G3-75.


The agent licence has been transferred to the following EU countries:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, In France, Gibraltar, Greece, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway (incl. Svalbard), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Austria.
Disclaimer/information on the issue of external links

As a provider, AP Solutions GmbH is responsible for its own content, which it makes available for use on its website or app, in accordance with the relevant legal regulations. Cross-references ("external links") to the content provided by other providers must be distinguished from this own content. In the case of direct or indirect references to third-party websites ("hyperlinks") that lie outside the responsibility of AP Solutions GmbH, a liability obligation would only arise in the event that AP Solutions GmbH is aware of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for AP Solutions GmbH to prevent the use in the event of illegal content. AP Solutions GmbH is not obliged to check the external links if there are no concrete indications of legal violations.

AP Solutions GmbH hereby expressly declares that no illegal content was visible on the linked pages at the time of linking. AP Solutions GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or copyright of the linked pages. For this reason, AP Solutions GmbH hereby expressly distances itself from all content of all linked pages that have been changed after linking. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of information provided in this way, the provider of the page to which the link was made is solely liable, not the provider who merely links to the respective publication.

A link to the AP Solutions GmbH website may only be set up if it refers to the homepage and if this does not infringe any rights of the company, in particular copyright, performance protection or trademark rights.

Please refer to the image references for information on the image material used on this website.